In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine in animal healthcare, with acupuncture being an important component of traditional Chinese medicine. Prior to administering acupuncture treatment to animals, veterinarians apply theories such as Yin and Yang, Five Elements, or Zang-Fu to select appropriate acupoints along the meridians. By stimulating these acupoints through needle insertion, they aim to restore the balance of Yin and Yang and promote the smooth flow of meridians. Veterinarians use fine needles (filiform needles) to insert into the animal's acupoints, stimulating blood circulation. The treatment typically lasts for about 10 to 15 minutes, and owners may accompany their pets depending on the animal's condition. The number of needles used may vary for each session, depending on the specific condition of the animal.
Precautions for acupuncture treatment:
1. Acupuncture therapy is typically administered 2 to 3 times once a week or once a month, a total of 4 to 6 sessions. The frequency and duration of treatment depend on the severity of the condition and the individual's self-healing ability. Each treatment session usually lasts approximately 5 to 20 minutes.
2. During acupuncture treatment, it is important for owners to relax, as their anxiety can make the animal tense. A tense animal may experience muscle tension, leading to a misperception of needle pain or other unforeseen complications.
3. If the animal shows signs of easy excitability or uncontrollable movement, the veterinary staff will consider skipping the treatment or shortening the needle insertion time to avoid accidents.
4. The choice of acupuncture materials and treatment frequency may vary depending on the animal's current condition (weak/strong).
5. Common discomforts associated with acupuncture may include temporary symptoms such as mild respiratory distress, weakness in limbs, suspected pain, drowsiness (common), vomiting, diarrhea, or loose stool. Decreased appetite may also occur but is usually secondary. Most of these reactions tend to diminish gradually throughout the treatment course.
6. To alleviate discomfort, it is recommended to provide the animal with small, frequent meals, ensure an adequate intake of water, and prevent falls or collisions.
7. The acupuncture materials used in our clinic are single-use sterile acupuncture needles.
(1) Needle Techniques:
- Filiform needles: Stainless steel needles are inserted and rotated to transmit a sore or numb sensation for therapeutic purposes.
- Electroacupuncture: Stainless steel needles are inserted and slightly rotated, and then electrical stimulation is applied to enhance the opportunity for nerve repair. However, this technique has strong stimulation and is not suitable for weak animals.
(2) Aqua-acupuncture:
- Vitamin B12 is used in this technique.